The Merlin Marauders have been selected by the S.A.S.S. Wild Bunch as
THE S.A.S.S. CLUB OF THE YEAR for 2011 !!
The “Wooly Award” was presented by Tex (SASS #4), to the Marauders at the 2011 SASS Convention in Las Vegas. The “Wooly Award” Statuette was accepted by Marauder Territorial Governor Sweetwater Jack, accompanied on the stage by Gaye Abandon, Bobbin’ Along Daisy and Mountain Grizz. Pat yourselves on the back for an OUTSTANDING job securing this AMAZING honor!! A deeply heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you who have gone the extra mile to help the club to capture this award, and this includes the folks from other clubs who give so much support to us, not only for our annual Battle of Rogue River, but throughout the years!